The first day we sought out the Tahoe Rim Trail. I'll be thru-hiking this 165 mile trail sometime in the next few years so was excited to get a feel for it. We found the trailhead that's just off highway 50 and started walking south. It was 35 degrees and windy- brrrrr! The satellite on my garmin wouldn't load so I don't know for sure how far we went but we walked for a couple of hours. I was giddy with excitement to be walking this trail!
Dennis pulled his hamstring pretending to climb this tree. He also rolled his ankle. I heard the stumble and the screaming start up behind me and I rolled my eyes and muttered "Here we go again." I turned around and waited for the screaming to subside and then asked if he was okay. He said "I tripped on an acorn!" That was it- I lost it and laughed so hard I had to cross my legs to keep from peeing my pants. He showed me what he tripped on and it was a pine cone, not an acorn. LOL!!!! I laughed all day about that. Don't worry, his ankle is fine.
When we were done hiking, we went on over to Lake Tahoe and messed around. It's a beautiful lake and I was surprised how clear the water was and with a sandy beach too.
Making PB&J for lunch. It's cold!
We also did a hike along Taylor Creek which is past Tahoe. It was a lovely jaunt.
We then went out to Washoe Lake out by Carson City to check it out.
I'm sure I'm not remembering all this in order but oh well!
For dinner I had a subway sandwich and Dennis had chicken wings. It was actually very warm in Carson City- mid 70's all week. Much warmer than out at Tahoe.
The next day we headed back to the same Tahoe Rim Trailhead except going northbound. We walked for a couple of hours. My satellite didn't load again so I have no idea how far we went. We tried doing some Big Foot calls and Dennis sounded really good. Mine sounded like a hurt dog. Needless to say, Sasquatch did not respond.
After hiking, we made our PB&J sandwiches up at King's Beach by Incline Village.
After all the hiking, we headed back and drove through Reno just to see what it was like. No big deal to write home about. We stopped in at Cabela's, a huge outdoor store, to check it out since we don't have that in San Diego.
That night we had dinner at Olive Garden and I had my usual, portabello mushroom ravioli. The 20 year old bus boy was hitting on me, I'm pretty sure. In fact, it got so awkward that I just stared into my ravioli to try and avoid eye contact with the dude. Dennis thought it was amusing.
The next day we headed out to Spooner Lake to do some hiking. Again my garmin didn't load but we walked for a couple of hours around the lake. The weather was beautiful.
The rest of the day we just drove around looking at scenery and the lake and ate our PB&J, checked out the ski lift at Heavenly and walked out to the Queen Bee, a boat that sits on Lake Tahoe that you can tour.
We had the chipotle burger at Burger King for dinner as well as the stuffed tator tots. Those were good! No one tried to hit on me.
The final day, we hit some other trail heads for the Tahoe Rim Trail just so I could see what the area looked like. We found the one off highway 431 for Tahoe Meadows and it was covered in snow. There were people snow boarding down the hills by the highway at the Mt. Rose area. We were also able to see the trailhead at Brockway Summit off highway 267. Traveled through Truckee and back through Reno to Carson City.
The final afternoon, we were pooped so we just laid around in the hotel. Then we went to dinner at this funky little pub in old town called Ferkin and Fox. The weather was beautiful and we sat out on the patio and they had the fire pit going- very relaxing!
That's it. I need to keep a daily journal I guess so the events aren't so jumbled. It's hard to remember what we did after a week! I don't like getting on the computer when I'm on vacation so that's one reason why I don't just do a daily blog while I'm away.
I have an overnight backpack coming up on the PCT and also backpacking Mt. San Jacinto at the end May.
YEEHAW! Living the dream.