Sunrise against the cliffs at Indian Gardens.
We had nice walking the first part of the morning. I made a conscious effort to cherish and prolong this experience. Prayers of gratitude floated through my mind.
We saw the 3 younger guys from Camo Pant's group and leapfrogged with them for a bit. They took a picture of Nancy and I.
I was amused by these signs.
As we got closer to the top, dayhikers started to increase. There was an obnoxious group of 3 boys who were swearing and yelling and creating general mayhem. I passed by a group of dudes taking a break and said "Man, those guys are obnoxious." They said "Tell us about it!" That started a comraderie of mutual pain and I leapfrogged with the group of dudes for the rest of the way to the top. They would be taking a break and I would pass them and chat for a minute, then I would take a break and they would pass me and say things like "Almost to the top!", "Way to go!" and do some fist pumping in the air.
Nancy was ahead of me by about 10 minutes, Ingrid by about 30 minutes, and Carolen and Carrie were about an hour ahead.
Dayhikers were getting really, really thick and super rude. Kids running amuck, people bumping into me, and just acting like downright douchebags with no trail etiquette. If you see someone with a heavy pack, going at a slow and steady pace uphill, looking dirty and bedraggled, chances are you should make way for them! Hello, lady with a heavy pack who just walked 50 miles coming through! On the flip side, you've got the super nice hikers who are genuinely interested and caring. The below picture is the group of dudes that cheered me the last few miles. Great group of guys!

As I came up the final stretch, I could hear Nancy and Ingrid yelling at the top so I waved my poles at them. I had a perpetual grin on my face- I just walked Rim to Rim to Rim! Not many people do that trek. I crested to the top and let off a nice YEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW!! Nancy and Ingrid engulfed me in hugs and I felt overwhelmed and got a bit teary eyed.
We re-connected with Carrie and Carolen to head on out for some good eats.
We drove out to Ingrid's house in Joshua Tree and got to see her re-model and meet some of her friends and daughter. It was great to see her place and to put faces with names.
Ingrid with her daughter, Kali.
Carrie runs a beautiful bed and breakfast inn in Joshua Tree. Check it out!
We got home and reunited with family. Little Kahuna still remembers me even though I'm looking a little rough.
I can't believe we accomplished Rim to Rim to Rim. What a fabulous journey! I wish I was there right now!
What's next!!!!????