Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Year Removed

Transferred from Wordpress:
June 13, 2012
I don't know how this year flew by so fast!  I have been VERY neglectful of my blog.  I guess I just got busy and didn't take the time to update.  I can't even tell you what we've done since the Mexico house build- just busy with life.  Took a Drug Development class for work.  Attended my brother's wedding.  Moved to a cheaper condo.  Got a little chihuahua who is such a little nugget of love.  I'm not even a dog person so I really can't say what possessed me to do it.  I blame it on a former co-worker who loves chihuahuas.
I've been reading ALOT.  I just finished a book called Wild:  From Lost to Found by Cheryl Strayed.  It's an amazing story about a chick who hikes the Pacific Crest Trail from the Mojave desert up to the Oregon/Washington border BY HERSELF.  It's an amazing story.
Next week we are going to Yosemite for 3 days to do some hiking.  I am really looking forward to the time off work and being out in nature.  I plan to do a technology fast- no phone or computer.  I will take lots of pictures though and post some up here when I get back.
I have a facebook page for my dog under Pico de Gallo:  http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001536732756
I don't know why I thought that would be a good idea.  Again, the former co-worker's idea.  Yeah that's the ticket.....

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