We saw 5 thru-hikers the first day. What a treat that was! I would clap and yell "Yay, great job!" I'm sure they thought I was a day hiking nut job. They were all very friendly though. I saw my first water cache where trail angels put water jugs out for the hikers since water is so scarce in the southern california section. There was also a sign that was offering free rides to the Paradise Valley Cafe - just call the number and someone will come pick you up! Simply amazing.
This was my first experience camping outside of an official campground as well. I planned to pitch my tent right next to the PCT. I thought I was going to be alone but Ed ended up sleeping in his truck at the trailhead. I didn't know until the next day that Jasper had unfurled his sleeping bag right behind his car at the trailhead as well. So I really wasn't totally alone.
I set my tent up just a few yards from the PCT behind a bush for some privacy. I had delicious freeze-dried beef stew for dinner. I'm serious, I love that stuff. I planned to read my kindle and do some poetry writing but I got into my tent and was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I laid down about 8pm and pretty much drifted in and out of sleep for the rest of the night. I could hear coyotes yipping not too far away and that woke me and made me feel a little anxious. I dreamt that wild animals were ripping my tent apart so I must have been worried!
The next morning when I got up, it was already on it's way to being a very hot day. We should have started hiking sooner than we did but since it was another meet-up group with different people we felt we needed to wait till the 8am official start time. As it ended up, Jasper and I went ahead and started walking north on the PCT at 8am. Ed stayed behind for the rest who ended up being late. This was the prettiest section of trail I've seen so far. Boulder formations, pine trees, flowers, more shade, and just very interesting. Jasper turned around at 3 miles- it was blazing hot. I continued on for a total of 8 miles. The last bit coming back got quite oppressive due to the heat. All I could think about was getting an ice-cream at the DQ that I saw in Anza. It was close to 90 when I finished at noon.
I saw 9 thru-hikers on this section. They were working hard and I wondered if they would rest during the heat of the day and continue hiking when it cooled off. I didn't want to interrupt their flow so I didn't ask.
Ed hiked 6 miles but the heat was bugging him so he headed home early. I only saw two others from the meet-up group and didn't talk much because they were fast hikers.
I finished up and headed on out- straight for the DQ! Church had just gotten out so there was a long line with suit and dress-wearing peoples. I was drenched in sweat, my face beet red, and I stunk like a petting zoo. I felt a little awkward standing in line. I didn't want these nice clean people to get a whiff of me! My chocolate cone dipped in cherry was worth it though.
I stopped in Ramona to score an Angry Whopper and they wouldn't do it for me. The promotion is really and truly over and my Angry Whopper stint has come to an end. *Sob*
It was a fabulous weekend and I loved every minute of it.
May 22-24 we climb Mt. San Jacinto!
Enjoy some pictures:
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