Friday night it was just Simone and myself. We got camp set up and then took a stroll out to the Big Laguna lake which isn't so big right now. The water level is super low and it looks pretty disgusting but ducks were floating around, quacking, and having a good old time. Maybe they were too hot to care.
We tried to use the pit toilet bathrooms but the flies were SO bad we couldn't handle it! I thought if I opened the door and stood to the side to let the flies out it would be fine but then I opened the toilet lid and millions more came whooshing up out of the toilet! I let out a scream and ran away. It was like a horror movie. It reminded me of the movie The Mummy when the mummy opens his mouth and hordes of locusts fly out. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, we copped a squat behind some trees at the side of our campsite instead.
We went back to camp and got our fire going, BBQ'd some hamburgers, and made smores. Then we sat back and chatted, looked at the stars, and chilled. About 9pm, the people in the next campsite rolled in and could not get their trailer backed into the spot for the life of them. It was a great source of entertainment for us. The chick was trying to direct the dude on how to back up and we got to laughing at them because their interaction was so comical. She says to the dude driving "I think they're laughing at us." and the dude says "Let them laugh! I only do this once a year!"
I found two good trees and strung up my hammock so I slept in that and Simone had the 2 person tent all to herself. I had gotten an insulating pad for the hammock which greatly helped the cold backside issue. I knocked out and didn't hear anything. Simone said the next day she didn't sleep because of loud music and kids screaming. I didn't hear any of it!
Here's some pictures from the first day:
The second day Simone was up at 5:20am and had already taken Pico to the bathroom and I didn't hear her moving about from hammock at all! We made up some eggs and sausage for breakfast and then headed out for a 3 mile walk before it got too hot. It was already too hot though. Oppressive and muggy and lots of flies and mosquitos. We walked up to the fancy bathrooms to take a crap on our hike out. No way were we going to poo in the fly infested pit toilets! By "fancy" I mean it was an actual toilet.
Here's pictures from that morning:
Michelle arrived about 10ish and Diana arrived about noon. We basically sat and laid under a tree, took naps, and chatted all afternoon. It was just too hot to do anything. About 4pm we got ourselves together for a hike. Fortunately, there was a nice cloud cover, so while it was still sweltering, at least we didn't have sun beating on us as well. We ended up taking a trail that I had never been on before which was stupid on my part with 7 month pregnant Simone in the heat. I incorrectly assumed the trail was going to loop around and spit us out at a junction that would take us back to the campground. Not so. The trail just kept going and going and going. I'm sure we were close, but not knowing for sure and not wanting to continue on indefinitely, we turned around and backtracked the way we came. I felt so bad for Simone and spent most of the time worrying about her. I'm a terrible mother subjecting her to this torture! Diana and Michelle were fabulous and very speedy. They were very patient as we made our way slowly back. I carried Pico most of the way - I was worried about him overheating too. We did a total of 6.66 miles in 3 hours.
Here's pictures from that afternoon:
Michelle took these pictures. Pretty huh?
Peeing behind a rock so we don't have to use the horror movie bathrooms!
At last we made it back to the campsite. PHEW!
We got the fire going and roasted hotdogs for dinner along with some chili. We had smores again too. Yes, I partook! Diana had brought some great snacks and petrone so we had petrone shots! (Not Simone of course) She brought Cheez-its and Twizzlers, trail mix, and sour candy! Diana drove us up to the fancy bathrooms in her air conditioned car and that was a nice reprieve from the heat. She said her version of hiking would be to drive the car around and around the campground with the AC blasting. LOL!
The temperature cooled off nicely as we sat around. The campsite next to us was having a birthday party and they were playing charades so we sat there guessing the answers and shouting them out.
I slept with Simone in the tent and Diana slept in the little 1 person tent. She said she felt like she was in a space ship it was so small. Michelle was in love with the hammock so she slept in that.
The next morning it was shaping up to be another scorcher. We made up some eggs and sausage and had all our crap packed up by 9:20am! It was good to get it done before it got too hot. I think it was really humid and that was sucking the energy out of us the most.
Great trip with great people!
Next up- William Heise camping/hiking in Julian with Dennis for 4th of July!
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