We began our climb up out the forest and back into the granite then back down into another valley. We went through a long, narrow meadow canyon filled with marmot and pika. The little pika would chase each other out into the meadow and across the trail. The air was filled with their chirping noises.
We began the ascent up Silver Pass, taking one slow step after another. It was tough. When we made it to the top, we splayed out to eat lunch. It was hot as usual so Nancy stripped down to her bra. I was sitting in the dirt, spread eagle in my skirt, when a PCT thu-hiker rolled up and plopped down to cook his lunch. He was a weirdo. Got an immediate pervert vibe off him. I asked him what his trail name was and he held up a sign that said Czech Mix (from the Czech Republic). He stared at Nancy's boobies and stood too close to me when we got up to leave. Buh bye, Czech Mix!
We continued on and down from Silver Pass, walking through high apline meadows and no-name lakes. We had many water crossings and some were really scary. Some had logs to walk across and some were just rock hopping. The rocks were sometimes too far apart and it got the adrenaline pumping. We were crossing a river and I was on a rock, smack in the middle, thinking about listening to some music, when I felt a presence. I turned my head and Czech Mix was standing on the rock right behind me. Crap! Really! Not only was it creepy but it was bad river crossing ettiquette. We made it to the other side and I stepped aside to let him go by but he said he needed to stop and filter water. Okay, well I think he could have done that on the other side and avoided scaring the crap out of me.
Down and down we walked, running into people here and there. One guy was high on benedryl because his mosquito bites were too itchy. Ran into a couple of ladies eating pizza so we had to ask about that- they were only doing a couple days so were able to carry in delicious food.
When we finally reached what seemed to be the apex of the downhill and started going uphill again, I thought "What fresh hell is this?" None of us realized that there was an additional 1500 foot climb to Purple Lake. Up we go again! Is this a pass? I don't know. All I know is it's hotter than the hinges of Hades, the climb is gnarly, and I'm tired and hungry. This was definitely a mind over matter scenario.
After what seems like an eternity, we reach the top and I'm stuffing snacks into my face as fast as I can. We make it to a lake. What lake, I don't know, but we decide to stop and cook our dinner and then walk the remaining 2 miles to Purple Lake. For this, I'm grateful. I do need to eat dinner. We eat; Nancy and I still sharing a spoon.
Then we continue walking. We have the scariest rock hop so far but we all make it across. Everyone speeds ahead and then it's just Nancy and I plodding along. I'm sure Nancy could go faster and she's probably hanging back for me because I'm reaaaaaaalllly slow especially when tired. We start going down, as is the way of this trail. This has got to be the longest 2 miles of my life. Darkness is setting in and we're going on 9pm. It's a 13 hour walking day. No bueno.
Nancy and I get to a junction in the trail and we go left because I see some people camping and think it's our group. No, it's a bunch of dudes, smoking cigars. I'm uncomfortable. We continue a bit down and decide this is the wrong way. A bit of panic spurs me back up the trail, past the cigar-smoking dudes. Then I see the PCT sign and continue along what, I assume, is Purple Lake. We come upon some people camping but I can't see if it's our group so I stand in the dark and stare at them. I hear Carolen call out "Tina?" It's them. Phew, so all is well. No, all is not well! It's been 13 hours of walking and it's dark! I'm pissed! Upset that I took the wrong trail, upset that I've been walking so long, and upset that I have to pitch a tent on a slope. I'm so tired, I don't even pull out my inflatable mattress. I just lay on my foam pad with my legs elevated on my backpack, feeling my spine release and my feet throb. Then it's a night of sliding down the slope and crawling back up in my tent.
This was the worst day.
Positive Thought
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. ~Christopher McCandless
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