Carolen, Ingrid, and I set out to do another 100 mile section of the Pacific Crest Trail (miles 602-702) from Jawbone Canyon Road to Kennedy Meadows. One of these days I need to add up all my PCT miles because I really don't know how much I've done off the top of my head. I knew going into it that it would be tough with the lack of water sources. I had 8 days of food and 8 liters of water to start off with so that made my pack 50+ pounds. One liter of water weighs 2.25 pounds which added an extra 18 pounds to my 32 pound pack weight. UGH!
We drove up to Acton to leave Ingrid's car at her relative's house and Trail Angel Mary picked us up from there. What a sweet lady! She helps 300+ hikers per season and has seen it all. Her price for taking us up into Jawbone Canyon was a tea party so we each had made tea sandwiches and cookies. She got us as far into the Canyon as she could but the road was so bad she had to stop about 4 miles from the PCT junction. We pulled out all our goodies and boiled some water for the tea. Had ourselves a nice time eating sandwiches, cookies, and chatting. She showed us the message from Tree in her log book and that was very sad. Tree was a thru-hiker last year who drowned in the Kern River trying to cross.
Some dudes rolled up in Rubicons and Carolen went over to see if they could take us the remaining 4 miles to the PCT Junction but they said they didn't pick up hitch hikers. LOL.
We wrapped up the tea party and said our good-byes to Mary. We had a steep climb immediately. It started off pretty warm but the higher we went, the colder it got. Fog rolled in, then it started raining. It hailed a bit too. Crazy weather for the beginning but we were expecting rain so donned our rain gear. We finally made it to the PCT junction and then went an additional 3 miles to camp. We pitched in a nice little area by a stream where we loaded up on water. Myself and Carolen topped off at 8 liters. Ingrid carried about half as much as we do because she just doesn't drink as much. I filtered the water in my vestibule since it was raining. I did a lot in my vestibule during this trip that will probably be frowned upon and I definitely don't recommend or endorse anything I did. LOL. If you are a novice backpacker, don't follow my lead.
Photos can be found on my Instagram @tinahikes
Author of Lola Hikes the Icy Mountain
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