The terrain was rolling with one very long and steep hill. There were cows grazing out there- essentially cow pastures that we were strolling through. We spotted something in the distance that we thought might be coyote but turned out to be a herding dog. A few people gave her some food so she stuck with us the entire rest of the hike and herded cows along the way. She was a great source of entertainment. We were worried she might be lost but she seemed to know her way around. She chased away a coyote and bobcat! Both of which I missed. I was too busy digging around for a protein bar for the coyote chase and too far ahead for the bobcat chase. Bummer.
This group went at a nice easy pace and it felt so easy compared to that 14 miler with a heavy backpack that we did a few weeks ago. It was just very pleasant and relaxing. The hills were shrouded in fog and the trees were beautiful and frosty. We had a few tiny stream crossings and it was a bit muddy from the rain.
We saw a few bikers and one family hiking with their dog. I thought it was probably too cold for Pico. 42 degrees at the end.
Nancy was going to make some lentils in her crockpot and I thought that sounded mighty good so I've got black bean soup cooking up in my crockpot right now. YUM!
Enjoy some pictures!
That's right- it's cow poop!
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