Tuesday, December 17, 2013

'Tis The Season

"Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa. Or "Tis the season for excessive materialism, disappointment, stress, flu, depression, weight gain, and dumbass people? What ever happened to love, charity, compassion, and good will? How about peace, joy, and family togetherness? I am trying very hard to be present in the moment and appreciate all the little things this time of year brings. I am trying to focus and meditate on the celebration of the Savior's birth. But I am in the most Bah Humbugness of moods, surrounded by unappreciative and selfish souls. I am tired. Weary of what I call the "Vagina Holidays." We women run Thanksgiving and Christmas. We work so hard to make it nice for everyone else and recieve little in return. I'm not asking for much- maybe a Hug and a Thanks would be nice. Then there are the external douche bags, rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off, with no regard for anyone else. Sure, go ahead and run that red light and almost kill me. Of course, park 2 inches from my car so I can't get back in. I'm assuming you WILL elbow me out of the way to get ahead in line at Target. Be my guest, walk all over me, because we all know it's all about YOU. Want to talk about Christmas music? If I hear Elvis Presley's It's a Blue Christmas one more time, I will scream. Blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas without you. Whatever. I would like to skip Christmas and take a vacation instead. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

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