Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ramona Dam

I went with a meet-up group and Nancy out to Ramona Dam to hike 5 miles. It was such a good work-out!  While we were doing introductions, I whispered to Nancy "Is that Bill from rain camp?!"  Remember Bill with the red poncho and garbage bag rain gear from mountain camp?  It was him and we just didn't recognize  him without his binder clip hat and garbage bags.  We had a good time catching up with him.

The trail goes through Blue Sky Reserve under nice oak trees and is flat for the mile or so.  Then it starts going up.  And up and up.  It kept getting steeper and steeper and i kept getting slower and slower.  BUT i did not stop once!  Thats pretty amazing. 

The views from the top were incredible.

Theres a picture of Bill below looking all kinds of normal!  Also looks like I accidently inserted a picture of my new bear cans and now it won't let me delete.  Trying to get used to blogging from my phone....

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