Friday, December 27, 2013

Mt. Woodson West Approach

I did a quickie work-out at Mt. Woodson from Poway Lake yesterday.  I originally had plans to go further afield but had to change them at the last minute.  Simone is sick so I watched Little Kahuna so she could go to the doctor. 

The temperature was an unbelievable 71 degrees when I started hiking.  The Santa Ana winds are really blowing through and heating things up this week.  Of course there was a crap ton of people out trying to burn off Christmas Calories.  I just tucked my head down and got the work-out in.  When I made it to the top,  I paused for a moment to observe the mayhem that is Potato Chip Rock, and then turned back around.  Made 7 miles and some change in 3.5 hours.  It was 80 degrees when I got done.  No Pico today- too hot!  Then I buzzed on home to take care of baby.

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