Thursday, September 15, 2016

Wonderland Day 10

Have I mentioned that it's raining?  Everything is wet and nothing dries because it's 45 degrees and raining.  All of my socks are wet.  My underwear is wet.  Everything is muddy.  I have no dry socks to wear at night so I use my Crazy  Compression sleeves as pseudo socks.  Pull them down over my feet; the toes are still open but it affords me some warmth.  #crazycompressionambassador #crazyclan

I am reminded why I don't live here anymore.

Today is our longest day at 13.5 miles from Devil's Dream to North Puyallup.  Everytime we mentioned to someone that we were doing Devil's Dream to North Puyallup, they made a facial grimace and visibly cringed.  So we thought it might be hard.  We got going an hour earlier than usual (7am).  I expected a 12 hour hiking day.  But since it was cold and raining, we really didn't stop much for breaks and were finished in about 9 hours.  We tried to take a lunch break at one point.  We sat in a tight little row on Nancy's zpad under a few trees, trying to get a little out of the rain.  Hunched over our spam, tuna, and payday bar, respectively. Absolutely effing miserable.  I thought about laying on my mom's couch and eating her home cooking in front of the wood stove. 

We also had to cross the Tahoma Suspension Bridge today.  It was really high and there were boards missing!  WHAT!  Seriously.  I get halfway across the bridge and have to take these giant steps over missing boards with the bridge swaying and slick in the rain.  So unbelievable.  I almost crapped my pants. I didn't video that one because I was too flustered.

My phone issues have progressed to having to reboot every time I take a picture.  I hope it lasts 2 more days!  My glucose meter is non-functional at this point as well.  They are very sensitive to cold and wet weather. 

My feet look like prunes.  I hope I don't get athlete's foot.

Tahoma Suspension Bridge

Smiling in the rain. But since my underwear is wet, I'm just putting on a fake smile for you.

A brief peek at Mt Rainier

Attempting to dry out the tents in the 10 seconds of sunshine.


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